The decade has ended, and as a new one is beginning, it seems like the “new year new me” trend has become our new standard. We used to set ourselves goals: “going to the gym every week”, “eating healthier for this new year”, or even the good old “not spending money on unnecessary purchase” (we all know how that latter will go as we are all car parts addicted, haha!). We always deviate from said “new year’s goal” as they are too unrealistic for us. For this new year, let’s focus on the small things.

At the beginning of every year in NINTE , we like to share our realistic New Year’s “treat your car well” resolution with each other and we’d like to share it with you. As far as your car is concerned, here are a few little things you can add to your new year’s goal that are realistically achievable:


  1. Avoid overloading your car

 The easiest thing that can happen to every car owner is having a trunk full of “very useful” stuff. There is that tool that has been left there for that day to finally use it. Or perhaps your uncle’s moving box that was left there, which he promised he will come around to get but never did so. An overloaded car will wear your whole system - for instance your transmission or your suspension – faster in the long run. Keep your car under normal load, as much as you can (we all know you are going to help that old lady moving in the neighborhood but it’s ok, we are only human.)  


  1. Warm your car before driving

Do you like to be rushed when you wake up? If you have a gun pointed at you, of course you will perform as said but not very efficiently. Similarly, your car will drive without warming up but taking the time to do so will contribute to its longevity. Warming the car up gives all the fluids  the time to reach the parts which need it and get everything flowing.


  1. Accelerate and brake smoothly

Accelerating your car abruptly will put a strain on your engine while breaking suddenly will wear your break faster. It will end up in expensive parts change or repair that you did not plan on doing for a while. Your money will go into something you have to instead of want to do, like getting those beautiful front grille you were eyeing for a very long time now.

  1. Give Small treats to your car

We are finally getting into the most interesting part. We never forget to give ourselves a little treat throughout the year. Better clothing because we got a bonus, a  fancy wine that costs an arm and a leg because we deserve it. Well, we are here to remind you that your car also deserve a part of that love for this new year. She is your companion wherever you go so at least she deserves a small treat. For a very obvious and head turning one, you can always go with getting a custom front lip or just a spoiler. On a smaller budget, of course you can always go with small customization, like a customized fuel tank cover, control panel cover, or some little decorations items.

Those are our New Year Resolutions that we are sure (almost, haha) not to fail at. Hope you can do it with us, or at least got some ideas on what your 2020’s resolutions going to be in taking care of  your car.

NINTE provides the highest-quality car customization and decoration accessories: Spoiler, Front Lip, Front Grille and much more new decoration accessories. We offer very competitive price and free shipping in many parts of the world. Check out our head-turning product

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